Sunday, October 9, 2022

GFiber Unli Plan 50% Off - Switcher Exclusive Part 1

Did you know Globe has a switcher exclusive promo where you can get 50% off of your first 6 months' bill?

Yup, there is. 

And we applied for it last Tuesday, Oct 4. 😆

I was contemplating for months now if we are going to upgrade our plan with PLDT or get a new ISP. 

Kaso kasi pinakapangit yung offer nila if we are going to upgrade. 

Our current plan is Fibr Unli Plan 1899 which I think ay wala na ngayon sa plans na inooffer nila. 

But with the additional Mega Bundle in our subscription plus the fee from GCash's Pay bills service, I pay a total of Php 2,016.88 monthly. 

As per the speedtests that I ran, this is the speed that we get from our current subscription:

The closest plan cost that I found in PLDT's website is the Fiber Unli Plan 2099. 

What I don't understand though is that if you are a new subscriber, you will get up to 200 mbps, but if you are an existing subscriber who will be upgrading to this, you will only get up to 100 mbps. What?!

But as I visited their website today, they have now updated the offer. 

It is now up to 200 mbps for existing subscribers as well. 

Tinopak ata ang PLDT. 

So I've made that as my benchmark. 

Php 2,099 for 200 mbps. 

I checked out Converge, and their plan was cheaper and offers more speed. 

FiberX 2000 offers up to 300 mbps at 80% service reliability. 

Looks better than PLDT. 

But Globe closed the deal when I saw the switcher exclusive promo. 😆

Similar to Converge's offer of up to 300 mbps for Php 2,099, but I would only pay Php 1,049.50 for the first 6 months, free installation, lockup period is 24 months. 

The application submission was pretty fast. 

But I'm not sure about the processing and installation time. 

To be able to qualify for this, the name on the competitor bill and the one applying to them should be the same, so I've put my aunt's name. 😆

She was very well informed, by the way. 

She was even beside me when I was filling out the online form and uploading her ID and billing from PLDT (should be within the last 2 months).

We applied the night of October 4, then we received an SMS from Globe the next day:

I added my number as an additional contact in the application so I got this message as well. 

I was redirected to their Viber account named "CBS Escalation GOTS BB" when I clicked on the link. 

I uploaded the requested document and also provided my name and the reference as per the instruction. 

This was the last message I got from them in October 5. 

As you can see, I followed up yesterday, but I was seenzoned. 

Iniiisip ko na lang na baka dahil weekend kaya walang sumasagot. 

I will post an update about this when we've made a progress in our application. 

Hopefully ma-install na soon para ma-test na namin. 


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