Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Easily Link your GCash to Grab

 Hey! Did you know that you can now link your GCash account to Grab for a seamless payment transaction?

This will not just save you time from transferring funds, but also save you the Php 15 transfer fee.

Linking is pretty simple and straightforward.

1. Open your Grab app.

2. Go to the Payment tab below, then a popup message about this would appear. Just tap on "Link Now".

If the above popup didn't appear, you manually go to the Payment settings.

Tap on "All payment methods".

Tap on "Add Payment method" and choose GCash. Mine won't show anymore in the options because as you can see, I have already added it. Excited langs. 😅

3. Follow the instructions as it appear on your screen. As I can remember, it redirected me to GCash, asked me to input my number, entered the verification code, logged in using my MPIN and authorized Grab to link with my GCash. And that's it.

I have easily booked two (2) Grab food orders today for Valentine's day and saved me from incurring transfer fees because it's free. 😃

The downside though is I didn't earn Grab points using this payment method.

I hope they add this with the GCash-Grab feature soon.

So yeah, who cares if this is my post this Valentine's day? No one, yeah? 😆


Alright, here are some photos for you of our orders from Grab after I linked my GCash. 🥰

1 Free Dilly Solo bar from DQ when I ordered above Php400.

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