Friday, October 6, 2017

Announcement | Blogging Schedule: A Resolution To Make

Last week or so, I have watched Leo's video about Learning.

His video title is "Learning = Behavior Change".

I have watched his other videos before as suggested by my little brother, but this one got me.

You know, that typical feeling after watching something relatable where you feel inspired and motivated, then few hours or days later you are back to your normal being.

But this one's different.

I did feel inspired while watching it.

I thought I got it.

I thought I am relating to it because it is so spot on.

I thought I am understanding what he meant.

But I felt demotivated after finishing the video.

Honestly at the end of the video I failed his little quiz.

What he said at the end was, in fact, my answer.

He took the words out of my mouth.

He got me there and left me thinking "what did I missed"?

I feel dumber than how I already felt about myself.

Instead of getting over it and move on with other things, it left me thinking what did I not understand about the video.

Really, it sounds so simple, but how come I was wrong?

Then I have come to a realization.

I really did miss the point. Lol!

That video is the reason why I am making this little announcement about my blog.

Yes, I became more active this year compared to the past years that I have been using this platform.

Yes, I am getting some visits everyday compared to the past years that my blog was completely barren.


I am thinking of how I can improve my blog to fulfill its purpose.

I have been searching most of the time about blogging or anything that I can learn from and apply it to myself.

I have been reading successful stories of other people that lives their life through the internet and earning from it.

I have been reading and watching tutorials and stuff to improve my knowledge.

But why?

Why do I feel like a stagnant water not moving to anywhere?

There I realized what Leo meant in that video.

Learning = Behavior Change.

That is a different take on the word "Learning".

I am not saying that I have already understood everything perfectly but I guess I am a little bit enlightened and now I do admit that my answer before was really wrong.

I can only say that I have learned something if I put that in action not just in mind and not just in my plans.

Learning = Behavior Change.

Now I know why I am stagnant.

A change in my behavior is missing.

I thought I learned something but nothing has actually changed in me.

The Number 1 key that I have read in successful blogging is consistency.

I know that but I am not applying it.

I post whenever I want to.

I type when I feel to.

My drafts are piling up but I am not able to finish it within my given time frame.

So now I am making my resolution to have a schedule of posting here.

I will post regularly and religiously every Friday and will most probably publish it at 12 nn.

This is what I have learned from reading about blogging. 😆

But I can only say that I have learned something if I will apply it.

This will be my change.

I was so complacent that I am missing out on the big things.

So yeah.

My topics will probably be about my investment on FarmOn, my new found earning game: MarketGlory, my Clixsense and other things in between.

I have started this schedule last week, September 29 and will continue on doing so today and in the future [nag me like a mother if I don't].

That is it.

If you are interested to see that video, you can check it out.

I have a feeling majority of you will not continue upon seeing the video's length though. 😛

Well it is a choice.

Just learn, learn, learn in life.


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