You can actually pay for your Netflix subscription using GCash.
It is very simple and straightforward, but you need to ensure two things:
1) you have enough balance on your GCash account
2) you have a GCash card number (either physical or virtual)
If you don't have the latter, don't worry there's another workaround.
So let's dig into it.
When signing up for a Netflix subscription in the Philippines, you have three options in setting up the payment method.
1. Credit or Debit card
2. Add to a postpaid mobile bill (Globe, Smart, Sun)
3. Gift code
To be able to pay via GCash, you will need to choose the credit or debit card option and enter the card details from your GCash Mastercard.
Provided your GCash Mastercard is already linked to your GCash account, once you proceed, your account will be immediately charged for the first month of your Netflix subscription plan and will be automatically charged every month going forward.
You can cancel your subscription anytime.
What if you don't have a GCash Mastercard?
Well, you can register for an American Express Virtual Pay on the GCash app and use the details on your virtual card when filling up the credit or debit card details on Netflix.
You can check this GCash guide on how to register and activate your AMEX Virtual Pay:
And as per GCash's FAQ, AMEX Virtual Pay is FREE.
I had it years ago for free as well when they first introduced it, but when I had to renew it, they required me to pay so I let it expire.
I am not entirely sure if GCash has removed the renewal fee or whatever fee they have for the AMEX service now though, hopefully, they did make it completely free. You can leave a comment below if you have further information about this.
If you don't have a GCash Mastercard and don't want to register for AMEX, your last option to pay via GCash is by adding your Netflix subscription to your postpaid bill.
Once you've added it to your postpaid bill, just pay your mobile phone bill via GCash's Pay Bills option as usual with your Netflix subscription included in the amount.
And that's it!
Hope this helps~
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