Saturday, May 9, 2020

Lost Your Job This Pandemic? Work Online!

Experts say there will be millions of people losing their jobs during this crisis.

Small businesses also have higher chances of not recovering after this lock-down.

Actually, it has already started.

I can see posts ranting about not receiving SAPs, etc.

Worries about not having enough money because they could not go to work and their resources deflating.

But hey, if you can post online about your problems, the solution can also be found online!

Work online!

If you have your laptop and internet, then you are good to go. (Provided you are not affected by Meralco's power interruption 😆)

You see, all of the resources that you need to start working online can easily be Googled and searched.

If you can scroll your Facebook newsfeed for hours, then why not spend it in starting your career online instead?

But if you are lazy to filter your searches and save your time from reading articles by articles, watching videos by videos, then I know of a thing that gives everything you need to start working online.

Have a go at the VA Bootcamp!

Of course, I would not recommend this if I hadn't tried it myself.

I actually enrolled in this course in 2017.

Here's my experience from it which I documented through my blog:

Experience | Enrolling at VA Bootcamp
VA Bootcamp | My 1st and 2nd Week
VA Bootcamp | My 3rd to 6th Week
VA Bootcamp | Finally Finished!
I'm Finally Coming Out~!
I Got My First Ever VA Job~!
Post-VA Bootcamp | Getting A Client
Is Freelancing For You?
The Evolution of a Freelancer - From TFF Talk

I noticed that most of my readers jump from my enrolling experience to getting my VA Job. But if you are somewhat interested in what is in the Bootcamp, have time to read my experience within it too, please.

Enrolling in it does not guarantee that you will immediately get a job. You will definitely get an online job but it requires your action and patience and application of what you have learned. If in this early stage you are already impatient and missing my other posts, jumping from enrollment to result then, not being judgmental, but can it mean you are indeed impatient? 😝

But if you happen to indeed enroll in the Bootcamp, I hope you won't miss every lesson, apply every learning to start your online career, and don't rush it!

We also have a Facebook group for students and the Bootcamp team is very supportive.

Have a read first about what the Bootcamp can offer and if you decide to have a go at it and if a 10% discount can help you, I have it! 

The code will be sent to your email immediately:

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Please check your Junk/Spam folder if you don't see it in your Inbox.

See you in the group, classmate!

Stay safe and healthy!


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